Montag, 25. März 2013

Diversity in the Big City

Fascination and Challenge for Social Professions

Summer School 2013 at the KHSB (Catholic University of Applied Social Sciences Berlin)

19th August - 30th August 2013
  • You would like to broaden your vision beyond the confines of your own country and your profession?
  • You feel at home in an intensive learning and working atmosphere?
  • You would like to exchange ideas with highly motivated students and teachers, using the English language?
If that applies to you, you are invited to apply for the summer shool, by 30th April 2013.

Atenção! Candidatos selecionados recebem um apoio financeiro para a viagem.
A participação na SOMMERAKADEMIE e a hospedagem no hotel não tem custos para candidatos selecionados.